Thursday 2 April 2015

Tip of The Week

‎Ladies stop avoiding weight training!

 A lot of ladies avoid weights at d gym because they are scared that it would make them muscular.

Men build massive muscles because their body produces the male hormone called testosterone.Women produce it too but at very low levels, not enough to build massive muscles except you carry very heavy weights and take drugs.

Benefits of weight training include;

1. Builds muscle and burns fat — that equates to a LEAN body.

2. It burns a ton of calories and boosts BMR.

3. Muscle gained over time (through weight training) helps burn more calories at rest than fat.

4. You get toned up

5. It prevent metmetabolic decline that comes with age.

Read more here

This photo above is me and I have been working out with weights for  over one year now.

So you see?! :-)

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