Wednesday 15 April 2015

Fiteratti: What A Waist!

Pardon the blurred Image, my lil munchkins papped me

A'ight here is Florence's weigh
... I'm Officially a size UK 10 but I have not reached my abs and thigh target. Yep! I've extra skin but not complaining but very grateful and I will stay consistent and on track. Progres is progress!!!  #WaistedWednesday #TeamHourGlass #EatCleanTrainMean #HealthyLifestyle

O boy! See human michelin Mascot lol!

The picture in the gym was taken in August, 2014, it was my first day in the gym and first time (ever!) working out.I was so tired from 10mins treadmill Walk, LOL. The highs and the lows, from lounging to active, sitting on the sidelines watching others dancing and having fun while I sit, waiting for item 7(food LOL) to dancing and being able to do what I want in social settings, the eating clean and the binges, the workouts and skipping workouts, the scale not moving for weeks to moving weekly, the struggles and triumphs... I could go on you know.. All these made my journey worth it. I'm so freaking exicted with my achievement so far!

Weight loss of 20kg+... I was a lil' long journey that I have grew to love the lifestyle change that I chose. It is not too late to achieve your goals and your excitment may come and go during weight-loss journey but whatever you do don't  QUIT! and have a selective deafness to unsupportive (significant) others l'm a living proof! Just stay positive and determined; the reward is priceless.

And yes my weigh loss/maintence continues (for life)...



  1. Showed the hubby you pics and he was like no ooo,this one is too skinny,that I should not wonder somebody got big in the first place. No looking back ,this time.

    1. Lol! Yujubee, you can sculpture your body to bulk into the hour glass shape. And nope, I dont think i'm that skinny I think the camera made it appear so... cos my tummy ain't flat and thigh and arms still flabby... pls dont give up on you. Xoxo
