Monday 8 August 2016

Motivation Monday: What's Your Excuse?

Every day is valuable and every moment is valuable, make it count! One day you will realize you've never done stuff you wanted to do, like leading a healthy lifestyle.

Armless bodybuilder, Barbie Thomas

70-year-old with 20-year-old body

Derek Mitchell, 34, from Missouri has completed 15 5K races, two 10Ks and lost 100 pounds this year. He's attempting the Honolulu Marathon in December as part of his road to better health.

Jessamyn found yoga while caught in the undertow of depression, after her weight had spiked to its peak.

I have mentioned it several times before in this blog that I think the single biggest key to success in the fitness journey is consistency. On the other hand, the only biggest thing preventing people from achieving their goals are excuses. Notice that I chose excuses instead of inconsistency. This is deliberate; inconsistency is a result of excuses.  

They may very be valid at times, for skipping exercises such as  when you're sick, injury, emotionally fatigued or burned-out  and when sleep deprived.

Making excuses as to why we can’t or even shouldn’t workout is fast becoming an epidemic. Excuses are pointless and will NOT help you on your weight loss and or fitness journey.
BE STRONG! Think of the long-term benefits of the exercises you perform. Think of the beautiful muscles you will sculpt, the fat you will burn, and the body you will achieve!

And let's not forget eating healthy is key. Healthy eating habits will change your life; boost your energy, drop pounds, and feel happier than ever!


"Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethagry, and fat "~ Jill Johnson

Don't make excuses, lost time(s) is the greatest regret; once it's gone, it's gone!

Stay Healthy! Stay Fit! Stay Blessed! Stay Fabulous!

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