Monday 28 December 2015

Exercise Of The Week: Jump Rope

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When was the last time you did jump rope? It's cheap and portable – and burns more calories than you think. Give it a twirl!

Jumping rope literally has it all – it works your legs, abs, and arms, heart and mind as well. It increases strength, agility, speed, timing and rhythm. Its medium impact increases bone density, but it’s not as hard on your joints as running. It’s both a great cardio and strength training workout all in one.

Jumping rope is a great calorie-burner, quick, inexpensive, fun, and it's a full body workout. Doing jump rope (also known as skipping) as an exercise improves cardiovascular fitness while toning muscle at the same time. It burns a lot of calories in a short time, but other considerations will determine if it's suitable for an individual. You would have to run an 8-minute mile to work off more calories than you would burn jumping rope.

The rope is a piece of exercise equipment that sells for under N 2,000 ($10), fits into a briefcase and can be used by the whole family. Jumping rope for just 15-20 minutes will burn off the calories from a candy bar!

Rope-jumping is an exercise fit adults can use to add spice to their exercise routine.


What You’ll Need:

You will need wide and about 10 inches of space above your head. The exercise surface is very important. For novices, a beaded rope is recommended because it holds its shape and is easier to control.
  1. Adjust the rope by holding the handles and stepping on the rope.
  2. Shorten the rope so the handles reach your armpits.
  3. Wear properly fitted athletic shoes, preferably cross-training shoes. 


How To Jump Rope:

If you haven't jumped rope since primary school, it can be humbling (yeah! It did to me last week in 5000 (1000 day) jump rope challenge I participated). It demands (and builds) coordination. Initially, you should practice foot and arm movements separately.

  1. Hold both rope handles in one hand and swing the rope to develop a feel for the rhythm.
  2. Next, without using the rope, practice jumping.
  3. Finally, put the two together. (You will probably do well to jump continuously for one minute)
  4. Jump 1 to 2 inches off the ground, giving rope just enough space to slip under feet — only the balls of feet should touch the floor.
  5. Keep your elbows close to the sides as you turn the rope. The movement comes from the wrists and forearms, not the shoulders.
  6. If you tire out before you finish the workout, drop the rope, but keep arms and legs moving (imaginary jump rope move). Work up to using the rope full-time.

For best results, do full the workout (see sample plan below) 2-5 times a week. The adding two abs exercises will give your body time to recover between jumps while tightening your stomach. What are you waiting for? Hop to it!

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