Monday 7 December 2015

#MotivationMonday: Hey ladies lift weight!

I'm not blessed with good skin elasticity (from time...)but I'm grateful with the much I have achieved from strength training such as weight training.


I've learned the joys of joining a small but sculpted minority: women who pump iron. I loved/love how much stronger and more fit I felt when I incorporated weights and strength into my daily workouts, instead of just spending my time on cardio exercises. Lots of women avoid weight training due to fear bulking up into a "she-Schwarzenegger". I have not found that to be true at all! I have become much trimmer and stronger. The only downside of this is that the scale sometimes shows a higher number, because muscle weighs more than fat.


Research ( ESPN ) has shown that typical woman is physically not capable of developing into She-Hulk because of insufficient levels of testosterone. Any woman who have a massively muscular physique is probably taking hormones supplement. While we all have different genetics, and some of us are predisposed to having more muscle mass than others, in general, you have to train for bulk to get bulk.

Ask any bodybuilder and they will tell you that gaining muscle isn't easy. You won't turn into the Incredible Hulk just because you perform squats with weight, but you will end up with a righteous butt.


So ladies, it's never too late! Apart from body sculpting and burning inter muscular fat, weight lifting help lower blood pressure, increase metabolism and lifting help lower blood pressure, increase metabolism and much more!

Maybe I have convinced you. Perhaps now, you're pondering you're going to fling your 2kg weights, hop off the treadmill, and give this whole weight training a shot.

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