Tuesday 15 December 2015

Exercise Of The Week: Deadlift

Deadlift technique: Traditional Deadlifts | DirectlyFitness.com

Deadlift is a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell lifted of the floor to the hip.

Deadlifts burn a ton of calories and absolutely blast body fat, build massive forearm and grip strength, improve posture and build total body strength

Deadlifts work many muscle groups in one simple movement: the calves,
quads, hamstrings, butt, arms, core, lower/middle/upper back, glutes, traps, and

How to:

1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead or slightly outward . The balls of the feet should line up under the barbell. How much weight to use is up to you, but it’s best to start with a smaller weight  and increase it no when you feel comfortable with the move.

2. With knees slightly bent and hands gripping the bar slightly outside of legs, hinge forward from hips. Use a hook grip: When you place your hands on the barbell, wrap your first two fingers over your thumb, sandwiched between your fingers and the bar. With the barbell close to shins, keep head up, eyes looking forward, chest out, and back flat. Inhale.

3. Keeping the barbell close to the body, exhale as you work to straighten the legs—drive through the heels, not the toes—and bring the weight up past knees. Keep core engaged throughout the entire movement (this helps protect the spine) and finish by thrusting the hips into alignment with the feet and squeezing your glutes. Constricting the butt muscles will complete the hip extension and bring the pelvis to a neutral position.

4. Once the barbell is past the knees and the arms are straight, gently rest it against your thighs and maintain a straight back, without rolling shoulders back. You can pause here for a few seconds to add an isometric dimension to the exercise, which can help provide bigger strength gains .

5. Maintaining a straight back, slowly hinge forward at the hips (allow knees to bend a little at the same time) and lower the barbell back to the floor. That’s rep one.

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