Wednesday 28 October 2015

Be The Light

Have you ever hold back posting pictures on social media or sharing news of something you have done because you’re scared people will be judgmental, derisive, or jealous?

I have read and hear a lot from individuals they are nervous even ashamed to post pictures online to share their “journey to fit” because they will be judged. Often it is because they feel like they are not up to par, or have excess fat on their bodies and hence the anxiety of what people will say or think.

This is saddening thinking of all the amazing inspiring pictures and stories lost to us because of that.  Why If not for an amazing ‘before and after’ weight loss picture/story of my now ‘mento-vators’’ I saw on Facebook, I might still be struggling with my weight or given up [read more here]

Folks, the unfortunate truth is that some people will criticize, think and say horrible things about our bodies look like. It will never go away. Trust me, when you’re slim and fit there’s definitely no shortage of naysayers wanting to criticise your pictures, body, and the way you choose to live your life even weight loss progress (when I put my first progress image, 2 people laughed at it and told me it wasn’t good enough. LOL!).

Sometimes I get very curious on how many people withdraw from actually getting fitter, and more generally, becoming the best they can be in other aspects of life, due to unsupportive others, fear of being criticized or losing friends. For sure, it is tough but we cannot simply let that fear of judgement hold us back. We don’t and can’t help ourselves or someone else in our lives by “laying low” in that way.

When we are blessed enough to have an opportunity to grow, succeed and improve our life, I believe one has a duty, not only to him/herself, but also to every person whoever cared to make the most of it.

It’s not just about you, me, it’s about the positive impact we want to make during the time we have here in this world. People are always in searching of something in life and online too. Reflect on how many times you’ve been motivated and inspired by seeing what somebody has achieved, sometimes just from a chance picture tag, comment or picture reposted online

It’s also on everyone to become more aware of their judgements of others. Until you free yourself from resentment towards the achievements of others, you will always live in fear of being resented. If that’s a pattern of thought you belong, it takes some effort to drag yourself out of it and it will not happen overnight, but you can do it. You can learn to see someone who has something you want and feel inspired, or at least be happy for them, rather than that showing soul-destroying jealousy. You’ll see very exciting things happen in your life when you do so.

Let self-esteem and confidence be something we cheer, rather than deride, in others and nurture in ourselves. It begins with every one of us and life is short. So I say don’t be petrified, ashamed or shy to share or show off your daily progress and achievements towards your fitness goals. I for one will love to read/hear about it.
Go ahead, shine that light!

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