Monday, 2 March 2015

Exercise Of The Week: Dolphin Pushups

Dolphin puspup is an exercise that help increase core strength thus making it a great workout for fierce abs. It also is a great exercise for torning your arms,  upper back and shoulder. Perfoming this exercise, you engage the core muscles in a very unique way!  I love the dolphin pushup  because it incorporates variety into your routine.

Dolphin pushups help prepare you for  yoga poses like headstand (sirsasana), forearm balance (pincha mayurasana) and if it is a season of going sleeveless, dolphin push-ups will help get there!

1 comment:

  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger's insights on push-up exercises are pure gold! His dedication to fitness and his iconic physique are a testament to his wisdom in training. Push-ups are the foundation of any great workout routine, and his emphasis on proper form and technique is invaluable.
