Tuesday 12 April 2016

Did You Know?


That Broccoli...


1.      Is a member of the cabbage family, making it a cruciferous vegetable. Its name is derived from the Italian word broccolo, meaning the flowering top of a cabbage.
2.      Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange.
3.      It has almost as much calcium as whole milk--and the calcium is better absorbed.
4.      It contains selenium, a mineral that has been found to have anti-cancer and anti-viral properties.
5.      Broccoli contains the flavonoid kaempferol. Kaempferol is an anti-inflammatory, helps fight against cancer and heart disease, and has been shown to be preventative in adult diabetes onset.
6.      Broccoli is a modest source of vitamin A and alpha-tocopherol vitamin E.
7.       It also helps to promote healthy skin, break down urinary stones (a big issue with the summer heat and dehydration) and maintain healthy bones and teeth.
8.      It also has antioxidant properties.
9.      Broccoli is high in fibre. Not only in soluble fibre but insoluble as well. Since your body needs both types, it's great to know that broccoli is can fulfil both your needs.

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