Monday 8 June 2015

Tip of the Week: Don't Starve to lose Weight

Where does that leave you? Starving to lose weight (sometimes called crash diet) is one of tjos "quick-fix" remedies for weight loss that iindividuals think of first. You need to understand that starving is not the way lose weight.

The dangers of starving iinclude loss of energy and loss of appetite through to dehydration which you might land you in the hospital.  In some cases you end up getting fatter and in other cases you actually lose thr weight but you end up with a very slow metabolism and  since you can't starve all your life, whenever you start eating normally most of what you eat would be stored as fat because your metabolism is slow.

So if you really want to keep the excess fat off permanently, eat 4 - 5 healthy meals a day and  exercise!


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