Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Exercise of the Week: Side plank Dip

Side plank dip is a great core strengthening exercise. It is an advanced plank position that incorporate your abs, lower back, and waist muscles, along with your arms, legs, and shoulder girdle.

Side planks works the entire side body from shoulder to hip. If you are trying to tone your muffin top (sides of your stomach), add this move to workout regime and see results.

How to:

  • Lie on your side with legs stretched out and place your elbow on the floor directly underneath your shoulder with palm grasping the floor.
  • Slowly lower hips to 1-2 inches off floor, make sure to contract your stomach while remembering to breathe.
  • Perform up to 3 sets of the move with 10 rep. switch sides and repeat.
  • Focus on keeping your hips up when in neutral position between each repetition.

Watch video: side plank dip

Note. A good modification is to do them on your knees instead of stacked feet (as seen in above image).

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