Wednesday 10 May 2017

Tip Of The Week: Making Healthy Choices in Your Daily Life

Start Small, make healthy choices every day!
Photo credit: Printerest

It’s never too late to take the big leap! Start today. Baby steps, that’s all it takes to start taking healthier decisions. That means making healthier choices in your everyday life.

I made my healthy choice over 3 years ago, but it took me a lot of perseverance and ups and downs to get to the place I am now. We all know, as you grow older, and the safety net of our parents’ imperious guidance gets smaller and smaller, we often find ourselves making more and more decisions on our own. One such decision is making healthy choices or adopting those choices which you know are not even in the slightest bit healthy for you (and maybe have been imparted by your parents/family/peers). Many times, it starts out gradually with just 1 or 2 choices to make, but then it accumulates to a stage where you both directly feel and enjoy the benefits of your earlier healthy choices or you find yourself having to deal with the consequences of your unhealthy choices. 

While the state of your health is depends a number of different contributing factors, some of them can be directly influenced through the choices you make while others can’t. An example of a contributing factor to the state of your health which cannot be changed are your genetic predisposition to illnesses such as cancer, coronary heart disease and obesity, but all is not lost because they can be controlled ( and even changed/cured) through the choices you make. Healthy choices are the key to enjoying a healthy, full life with very limited health-related issues and diseases that can otherwise seriously affect the quality of your life. If enjoying a healthy life in the near future doesn’t at least get you to sit up and consider making healthier choices then maybe welcoming the prospect of some long-term or permanently irreversible health problems might do the trick. In situations of when making healthy choices is a matter of life and death, it’s very difficult to hang onto an overall positive view on life, so the best approach is to start immediately and make healthy choices while they are still optional.


Sticking To Healthy Choices

While life will regularly offer you plenty opportunities to make healthy choices, healthy choices are a lot similar to New Year’s resolutions. It can be pretty challenging sticking to them, but there is a way through this challenge too. The secret is to stop wishing, start NOW — don’t set a date for when you’re going to make a healthy-living/lifestyle official. Start small and work your way up to a level where healthy choices are a normal part of your everyday life.

Even the strictest of healthy dieters/fitness addicts had to start somewhere and, while we may all be motivated by different reasons for choosing to live healthier lives through healthier choices, the end result is quite the same — a greatly improved state of where your body produces, controls and uses energy efficiently.

When the line between healthy and unhealthy choices becomes blurry, which it often quite easily can, remember that the healthiest choice you can ever make in your life is being happy, exercise, going Green and organic!

Further Readings  

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