Friday 8 July 2016

Fit Tip: Beginner HIIT

Photo: The Workout Magazine
Just because you’re new to fitness doesn’t mean high-intensity interval training (HIIT) isn’t for you.
HIIT is fast-paced exercises that have been proved to burn tons of calories in a short amount of time — so you don’t need to spend hours exercising. This type of training is basically alternating between periods of maximum effort (think: 20 seconds of jumping jacks) and short rest.

If you’re just beginning fitness — or starting over after you fell out of the fitness wagon (even injury)  — the key to success lies in performing the right moves, at your own pace. Yes, HIIT should be intense, but pushing too hard, too fast can cause injuries and other hindrances. Your task: Listen to your body, modify any exercise as needed, and do each movement with proper form.

Are you ready for some fat-blasting HIIT? Let’s do it!

The Regimen

Before you begin any of the workouts, warm-up to get your muscles prepared. Perform high knees for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Now, get ready to HIIT it!

10-Minute Beginner HIIT Workout

Work up a sweat in less time it would take you to get to the gym with this simple circuit.  The best part is that you don’t need any equipment to jump right in.

In this HIIT, you’ll perform 3 sets; 20sec each move 10sec rest of the following.
1.      Plank jack
2.      Lunges
3.      Jumping jack
4.      Sumo squat

30-Minute Fat attack: HIIT Workout

Got half an hour? Try this longer workout to challenge your upper and lower body as well as core. (Fun fact: This will burn more calories than 30 minutes spent on treadmill walk!)

In this HIIT, you’ll perform 3 sets; 45sec each move 15sec rest of the following.
1.      Push ups
2.      Squat
3.      Butt kicks (Jog in place, kicking your heels up to touch your butt)
4.      Bench dips (triceps dips)
5.      Side lunges
6.      Jumping jack
7.      Abs crunch

Yes you did it!!! Now cool down with some yoga stretches

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